Friday, September 5, 2008


Silence can extract all the excessive thought playing on my mind waiting to be liberated and it marks an emblem as a component of individualism. The rice soup or “lugaw” helps me to gathers information which has been a not so good part of me. Anyway I am what I am…


1. Jealousy has been a part of my jargon ever since most especially when I’m attach to the person, though I don’t intend to express it seems to be outpouring.

2. Being busy means being sensitive to the people that interrupt to what I’m doing no matter what it is.

3. Incoherent statements irritates me, I can trust a person however when it comes to the things they say I remember every line so any inconsistent assertion lessen my confidence to them.

4. Losing frustrates me; it’s actually one of my greatest fears.

5. Being invincible when I have an intense emotion becomes my expertise. I’d rather walk away to oblivion rather than to be physical. Blabbermouth is not my cup of tea, when the famous “tiger look” appears and then I started to close my fist better back off or who knows what may happens.

6. I am a very emotional person that I become a crybaby, the higher my emotions is equivalents to shedding barrel of tears.

7. Everyone have their whims so do I, it seems that I never outgrown being a brat. Once a “little monster” always a monster no matter what the age is. There are times that if I ask something to a person I always anticipate that they would do it for me however when they didn’t I really feels bad, really bad…

8. Comparison is the nastiest thing a person can utter well it’s a declaration of war I guess. See the Geneva Convetion because it's a WWIII. Ha! Ha! Ha!

9. Pay attention to what I’m saying or else forget about it I’ll just do it myself but receive a cold treatment from me.

10. Bad publicity is still a publicity, all the unsolicited advices get into my nerves but I never react for the moment anyway “vehndetta” is like a dish best serve when it’s cold.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! I don’t consider myself bad it’s beyond its definition. Ha! Ha! Ha!

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